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한국제임스조이스학회 The James Joyce Society of Korea

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  • 학회공지


학회공지 상세보기
제목 :제5회 국제 조이스 학회 2012년 11월 10-11일 전남대학교
작성자 관리자 등록일 2012-01-22
조회수 6044

The 5th International Joyce Conference in Korea


The James Joyce Society of Korea will hold the 2012 Gwangju International Conference on 10-11 November 2012 at Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea. The theme for 2012, Hybrid Joyce, aims to bring together Joyce scholars from countries across the globe to discuss and share their views about all aspects of Joyce studies. All papers presented for this conference will be published in the international issue of James Joyce Journal(winter 2012). For further information, please contact Taeun Min at taeun@jnu.ac.kr or Hee whan Yun at justiny@kangnam.ac.kr.


Call for papers: The committee members of this conference encourage submissions that address hybridity in Joyce, but other topics related to Joyce are welcomed. Please send your paper no later than 1 September, 2012. Thank you.

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학회공지 이전글, 다음글 보기
이전글 제임스조이스저널 17권 2호가 업로드되었습니다. 2012-01-17
다음글 한국제임스조이스학회 2016년 하반기 주요 소식 1. 영어영문학회 연찬회 2016-12-28