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한국제임스조이스학회 The James Joyce Society of Korea

  • JJ저널
  • 학회지검색


국문제목 『더블린 사람들』과 『젊은 예술가의 초상』 속 마비와 탈출의 변증법 : '욕망 드러내기,' '말대꾸하기,' 그리고 '타락하기'
영문제목 The Dialects of Paralysis and Escape in Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: ‘Revealing Desire,’ ‘Retort,’ and ‘Falling’
저자 이영심
출처 119-148
발행년 2022년 6월
논문자료 [첨부파일 다운받기] 5. 이영심.pdf

The rule of British imperialism over Ireland, the Catholic, and the patriarchal ideology are the main factors which oppressed the Irish people of Joyce’s time. Both Dubliners and A Portraits of the Artist as a Young Man show the paralysed life because of those factors and the attempts of escaping from that situation. The former describes the lethargic and paralyzed experiences of various people from different ages and the letter focuses on Stephen and portrays his various experiences of being oppressed and his escaping process from them. In fact, escaping from the paralysis that dominates Dublin means not only ‘escaping’ from the physical ‘space’ of Dublin but also ‘escaping’ from the political, social, cultural, and historical ‘place’ of Dublin. In this paper, I analyzed the aspect of paralysis and the escaping attempts from it, by means of ‘retort,’ ‘revealing of human desires including sexual one’, and ‘falling’ in both texts. Just as Stephen’s escape from Ireland has a important symbolic meaning, Dubliners’ attempt to escape itself is very meaningful for the process of ‘escaping from paralysis’. 

게시글 이전글, 다음글 보기
이전글 외상, 기억, 애도: 조이스의 「죽은 사람들」 경우
다음글 아일랜드 민족주의와 가톨릭교회: 『영웅 스티븐』